Wix Restaurants Online Ordering
Online ordering app for restaurant owners to take customer orders.
Wix Restaurants Online Ordering
Online ordering app for restaurant owners to take customer orders.
the need
Wix's strategy was to provide small businesses with an online solution, leading to the creation of Wix Restaurants. It offers restaurant owners a complete toolkit on Wix, including online ordering, reservations, and menu apps.
user types
Both the end product and back office should cater to all restaurant user types and needs, while being flexible enough to accommodate non-restaurant users, such as marijuana dispensaries.
Food Trucks
Express Checkout
Restaurant customers can securely save their details for faster checkout, view their favorite dishes, and easily reorder from their order history.
Mobile Web
Customer Area
Customers can log in to the restaurant site via Facebook and save their details for faster checkout.The prototype displays the customer area flow and features.
Managing Orders
When a customer places an order, the user can manage it for delivery or pickup via the Wix dashboard or app. Orders can be received online, by email, print, or even fax (yes, fax!).
Manage Orders on the Go